
Posts Tagged ‘blues’

Next Open Coffee – Tue FEBRUARY 1st 2011, 10am – 12pm
Springfort Hall, Newtwopothouse, Co. Cork

I just did a quick check to see if the first Tuesday of April lands on the 1st. Phew, it doesn’t, but the next two do, so it’s a great way to start your month, come meet a group of people who know what it is like to persevere, be pro-active, and get their business going.

I chose the title “Adversity introduces us to ourselves” because a man I met last year, the gentle and interesting Seán Gallagher, used this in a talk he was a giving. It made me think hard about the times we find ourselves in, and how easy some folk give in, give up, and others make the conscious decision not to take part in a recession.

Thankfully I have made the latter choice, and am confident about 2011 for business owners, despite what is happening in Ireland this very week.

However, the title rings most true for one of our regular attendees, Ivan O’Donoghue of Spiralli Business Solutions. Ivan appeared at Open Coffee earlier in the month, coming directly from his office, which only that morning had been completely destroyed by flooding, including the office, reception area, training rooms and office space that they rent out.

What was more amazing was, they are on the second floor. How did that happen? Read their blog post here to find out how he and his partner Niamh, have survived this tragedy and have no plans to fall victim to a “cause” beyond their control. What is inspirational about their story, is that they have decided to take charge of the “effect” and manage their own destiny for Spiralli.

Truly an inspirational story, and we can all learn from it wisely!

As Mondays go, today was rather non-eventful for me, and not very productive for various reasons. But I did have a blog post published today on Bloggertone, aptly named “BEAT THE MONDAY MORNING BLUES“. So if you are struggling with your Monday mornings, pop over and have a read.

See you soon,


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